Friday, August 14, 2009

Just a Short One

Just a short little post for now. I am waiting for my mother, we are going to go out looking for the final little bits for the Baby Shower tomorrow. Then up to her house to decorate. I am hoping for pictures to post, but we will see. I am notoriously bad about remembering to take photos, as Christa can attest to.

In knitting news, I am very close to finishing Christa's Grammy's Baby Blanket. Christa, a friend of mine, has been in China for the past year and a half teaching at a sister university there (that is a whole different ball of wax), and on one of her visits back to the states, she introduced us to her Grammy. Grammy was a prolific crafter, knitting being one of those crafts. She had about a kajillion projects started when she had to abandon her crafting in the early eighties, and one of those projects is a very cute, allover lace baby blanket. Sadly, Grammy has passed away, and Christa inheirted her projects. When Christa went back to China, I started working on the baby blanket. Since the pregnancy, I have taken the blanket on full force, and I am almost done with it. I have about 3 more repeats of 10 rows, and then the cast off. It's a simple, beautiful blanket, and there will be enough yarn left to make a cute little cardigan to match. Hope for photos when I am done.


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