Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Matching, even!

Our new dryer is due to arrive today! Just in time for winter AND baby!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just a Short One

Just a short little post for now. I am waiting for my mother, we are going to go out looking for the final little bits for the Baby Shower tomorrow. Then up to her house to decorate. I am hoping for pictures to post, but we will see. I am notoriously bad about remembering to take photos, as Christa can attest to.

In knitting news, I am very close to finishing Christa's Grammy's Baby Blanket. Christa, a friend of mine, has been in China for the past year and a half teaching at a sister university there (that is a whole different ball of wax), and on one of her visits back to the states, she introduced us to her Grammy. Grammy was a prolific crafter, knitting being one of those crafts. She had about a kajillion projects started when she had to abandon her crafting in the early eighties, and one of those projects is a very cute, allover lace baby blanket. Sadly, Grammy has passed away, and Christa inheirted her projects. When Christa went back to China, I started working on the baby blanket. Since the pregnancy, I have taken the blanket on full force, and I am almost done with it. I have about 3 more repeats of 10 rows, and then the cast off. It's a simple, beautiful blanket, and there will be enough yarn left to make a cute little cardigan to match. Hope for photos when I am done.


Monday, August 10, 2009

OMG Radio Silence What?

So, I've made a resolution to myself: finish those things that I have started. I am starting to get there. I think it's all part of growing up.

I feel like I am in a weird spot; I am an adult, I have been out in the world for a while now, and I feel like I am just learning how to be an adult in the world. I am learning how to do the things that need to get done (albeit slowly, but I have a good reason for that, stay tuned and you'll find out), I am learning how to organize for me and my daily needs, and I am learning how to follow through.

I am following through right now.

The last blog post was back in November, actually the day before my 25th birthday. I had a great birthday. My husband and I went to our favorite antiques store (sadly, they are now closed, a victim of a poor location and a funky local economy) and we got a cute little reproduction table and mirror for our entryway, and we got our cat, Bagheera. I love Bagheera. He is a HUGE black cat, just like his namesake. He kiais when he jumps, he murrs at me when he has decided that I am taking up too much bed at 6 in the morning, and he is an excellent lap warmer.

A few weeks after my birthday, my wonderful husband and I found out that we were pregnant with our first baby. I am due any minute now, the official due date is September 2nd.

This whole pregnancy has been an ongoing lesson about following through, and I am coming up to the biggest follow-through of my whole life.

We may or may not see more of me here--this is the test of the "follow through lesson."

As for the knitting, yes I have been knitting. I have found that a ball of Sugar'n'Cream cotton, about 50-52 stitches over size 7 needles is the perfect amount of yarn for a washcloth/burprag/fuzzy for the diaper bag. The house is rotton with those right now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So I was reading this book...

I was reading this book that I picked up at one of my favorite used book stores, and I kinda got inspired.

The book is Knitting for Peace by Betty Christiansen. There is a passage in that book that has also appeared in Interweave Knits. It's an article about knitting in prisons, and how these prisoners are affected by learning how to knit and crochet and what they do with their finished products. The original article can be found here in PDF form.

I want to do that. I want to teach knitting somewhere where it will make an impact on someone's life, where it can help, not just be a hobby. I want to make a difference and knitting is something that I am passionate about.

This book is full of quotes and there is one from Theodore Roosevelt that I thought was very appropriate: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Quiet here on the home front...

... or that is what you might think from this quiet blog.

Since posting here, I have:
-Successfully merged two blah stores into one great one
-Not gone crazy because of it
-Only encountered a little drama from the merging
-Watched the DH not lose all his marbles while (almost) opening a brand new restaurant
-Helped the DH not lose all his marbles while (almost) opening a brand new restaurant
-Remembered my garden
-Watered said garden
-Found a new LYS a block from where I work
-Asked by owner of LYS to knit swatches (OMG yay!)
and almost finished this.

Maybe not so quiet.
Pictures may or may not come--I want to post, but I won't promise on something that I am not sure that I can deliver on!

That is all.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Froot Loopy!

Yay for camera phones! Even older ones--mine seems like a dinosaur at a respectable 4 years old. The DH has our digital camera right now, and I am so excited about this sock that I couldn't wait until this evening to post. Ancient camera phone to the rescue!

I cast on the Froot Loop sock yesterday to keep me from going to insane between sneezing and coughing up a lung. I hate colds. I always go so stir crazy not being able to go anywhere or do anything.

Okay, back to the sock. I love knitting it, even on the Sockotta, which surprised me a whole lot (I tried the Sockotta for a different sock a while back, and the yarn was much less than what I had expected). The colors are fun and the stripe pattern is intriguing. I know, I know, I'm gushing, but I love this project so much!

Monday, May 5, 2008

blog what?

Acho. Honk. Sniffle sniffle snork. HONK.
That is what I've been sounding like for the past few days, and even though my nose is running away and my head is foggy and stuffy, I did make it off my kiester to write that I haven't been writing.

I do have a tendency to bite off a bit more than I can chew, and to start projects and not finish them. I admit it fully, and embrace it.

That being said, hi blogosphere.
I do exist. I might not be visible all the time, but I do exist.

Things have been going well down at my shop. This past weekend was Arts Alive, and it was the most successful Arts Alive to date! (Arts Alive is a monthly reception where stores and galleries stay open late with lots of wine and cheese and local art--a way to get the community out and about to see the local artscene.) Yay! And then I came down with a cold. Boo.

Well, now I have new sock yarn to play with. I picked up some Sockotta in a fun colorway, and I just printed out the Froot Loop pattern from Knitty.com. I am all set for a quite evening of Netflix and knitting! Well, quiet between the sneezing and the honking and the sniffling.

Man, it's not looking very quiet at all ;)